APRIL 21, 2023

Discover the Power of Hemp: 10 Reasons to Choose Hemp Fabrics

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The History of Hemp as a Textile Fiber

Evidence of hemp usage as a textile fiber dates back thousands of years, to ancient civilizations like the Chinese and the Egyptians. The hemp plant's fibers were used to make paper, rope, and other products, as well as strong, breathable clothing. 

Hemp became a significant crop in Europe throughout the Middle Ages, and several nations required farmers to plant it for its adaptable fibers. In some parts of Europe, hemp was even employed as a type of currency due to its significance. Up until the 19th century, when cotton became more accessible and inexpensive, hemp remained a significant crop in Europe. 

Hemp was a major crop in the early years of the United States. Several of the founding fathers, including George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, cultivated hemp on their plantations. Up to the 20th century, hemp was used to make clothing, paper, and other goods in the US; however, the Controlled Substances Act of 1970 made hemp and cannabis illegal. 

Continue reading to discover 10 good reasons to pick hemp materials right now. 

1. Sustainable & Environmentally Friendly

Hemp is one of the most ecologically friendly crops, is much easier to grow and requires way fewer resources to produce a decent yield than many other crops. In actuality, hemp can be grown with as little as one-third of the water needed to grow cotton and doesn't need the use of synthetic pesticides or fertilizers. Farmers can avoid using environmentally harmful, poisonous pesticides since hemp is naturally resistant to pests. 

Hemp is also a crop that can thrive in a variety of soil types and climates and is quite versatile. This makes it a great choice for areas that cannot sustain other crops, diversifying agricultural production and boosting regional economies. 

Hemp's capacity to repair damaged soil is another advantage. Hemp has deep roots that aid in breaking up compacted soil and enhancing soil structure, which can boost nutrient absorption and water retention. The biomass layer that hemp leaves behind after harvesting may also be utilized as a natural fertilizer to replenish soil nutrients and enhance soil health. 

Customers may lessen their environmental footprint and promote a more sustainable future for our planet by purchasing hemp materials. 

2. Durable and Long-lasting

Hemp materials are a great option for sustainable fashion since they are exceptionally strong and long-lasting. Clothing manufactured from hemp may resist several washings without losing its form or quality since hemp fibers are up to four times stronger than cotton fibers. Furthermore, hemp textiles have a built-in resistance to wear and tear, so they are less likely to eventually develop holes or other signs of wear. 

The fashion business, where rapid fashion has created a culture of throwaway apparel, places a premium on durability. Each year, the average American discards about 80 pounds of apparel, adding to the rising issue of textile waste. You can help lessen waste by reducing the need to replace garments regularly by selecting long-lasting hemp textiles. 

Overall, hemp fibers are a great option for sustainable fashion because of their strength and adaptability. Customers may lessen their environmental effect and encourage the fashion industry to use more sustainable processes by using hemp apparel. Additionally, the natural comfort-enhancing qualities of hemp fibers can lessen the need for frequent replacements and increase wearer comfort, hence lowering textile waste and fostering a more sustainable future. 

3. Breathable and Comfortable

Because of their outstanding comfort and breathability, hemp fibers are a popular choice for clothing and other textile products. The natural structure of hemp fibers allows air to circulate freely, making them exceptionally breathable and effective in regulating body temperature. Because it can keep you warm in the winter and cool in the summer, hemp apparel is a fantastic solution for all four seasons.  

An additional benefit of its comfort is that hemp fibers are hypoallergenic. Hemp fibers are naturally resistant to bacteria, mold, and mildew, which may reduce the likelihood of allergic reactions and irritated skin. For anyone with sensitive skin or allergies, hemp fibers provide a warm and secure option as a result. 

The outstanding breathability, suppleness, and hypoallergenic qualities of hemp fibers make them a fantastic choice for clothing and other textile products. Due to their ability to regulate body temperature and provide all-season comfort, as well as their durability and resistance to allergies, they are a flexible and ecologically friendly option for style-conscious clients.

4. Naturally Antimicrobial

The inherent antibacterial qualities of hemp materials make them one of a kind. Hemp fibers include a compound known as "hemicellulose," which has been demonstrated to have antibacterial and antifungal effects. Thus, hemp textiles are resistant to the development of germs and fungus, which can produce smells and other adverse health effects. 

The inherent antibacterial qualities of hemp textiles have another advantage in that they can lessen the need for chemical treatments and washings. Chemical treatments are frequently needed to make synthetic fabric clothing antimicrobial and odor-resistant, however these treatments can be hazardous to the wearer's health and the environment. Contrarily, hemp textiles don't require as many chemical treatments or washings because they naturally resist germs and smells. 

Hemp materials' inherent antibacterial qualities also make them a more sanitary option for apparel and accessories. This is especially crucial for clothing worn next to the skin, such socks and underwear. Customers may enjoy apparel and accessories that are naturally antibacterial and antifungal by selecting hemp textiles, improving hygiene and general wellness.

5. UV Resistant

Natural UV resistance in hemp fibers makes them a fantastic material for outdoor clothes and accessories. Hemp fibers are resistant to UV radiation, so clothing created from them will not fade or degrade as rapidly as synthetic textiles, which can break down and lose their color when exposed to sunshine. 

Hemp fibers are a great option for outdoor pursuits like hiking, camping, and fishing since they can withstand prolonged exposure to sunshine. Hemp textiles are a great option for sun hats, beach cover-ups, and other outdoor wear because they can shield the skin from damaging UV radiation. 

Therefore, hemp materials are a great option for outdoor clothes and accessories due to their UV resistance and insulating qualities. Customers may enjoy strong, long-lasting apparel made of hemp that can keep them warm in a variety of climates and shield them from the sun's damaging rays.

6. Biodegradable

The biodegradability of hemp fibers is one of its main advantages. In contrast to synthetic textiles, which can take hundreds of years to degrade in landfills, hemp fibers can naturally dissolve with little environmental impact. This is so that microorganisms in the soil may decompose the natural plant ingredients used to make hemp fibers. 

Hemp fibers are good for sustainable fashion since they biodegrade easily. Textile waste is a major issue that is getting worse as the fashion industry expands. Millions of tons of clothes and accessories are discarded each year and can take millennia to disintegrate in landfills. Customers may lessen the environmental effect of the fashion industry and encourage more sustainable practices by selecting biodegradable materials like hemp. 

Hemp fibers' biodegradability has various advantages, including compostability. Hemp clothes and accessories may be disposed of after their useful lives by adding them to a compost pile, where they will decompose and enrich the soil with beneficial nutrients. This is a great method to encourage sustainable agriculture and lessen waste.

7. Versatile

The versatility of hemp fibers is one of their most appealing qualities. From tough denim pants to soft, breathable t-shirts, hemp materials may be utilized to make a wide range of apparel and accessories. Hemp fibers' adaptability includes its capacity to combine with other fibers, enabling a variety of textures and finishes. 

A variety of textures and finishes, from delicate and lightweight textiles to hefty and resilient denim, may be made with hemp fibers. A variety of yarns, from thin and delicate to thick and robust, may be made from the fibers. This enables makers and designers to produce a broad range of aesthetics and styles, from relaxed and cozy to chic and elegant. 

Additionally, cotton or silk may be included into hemp fabric blends to produce new and fascinating textures and finishes. Blends of hemp and cotton, for instance, may combine the strength and sustainability of hemp with the softness and comfort of cotton. Similarly, hemp-silk mixes may produce a plush, smooth feel that is at once cozy and eco-friendly.

8. Hypoallergenic

One of the less well-known benefits of hemp fibers is that they are hypoallergenic. Hemp fibers are naturally resistant to bacteria, mold, and mildew, which may reduce the likelihood of pain and allergic reactions. Additionally, since hemp textiles are free of harsh chemicals and pesticides, they are a safe and natural solution for persons with sensitive skin.  

Another benefit of hemp fibers' hypoallergenic qualities is that they are anti-dust mite. Dust mites are a common allergen that can cause symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes, and skin irritation. Hemp fibers are inherently resistant to dust mites, which may make them a safe and comfortable option for individuals who are prone to allergies.

9. Less Water Intensive

One of the key benefits of hemp fibers is the low water consumption during processing. Compared to other crops like cotton, which may require up to 20,000 liters of water for every kilogram of fiber produced, hemp requires a lot less water to thrive. This is because hemp is a hardy crop that can flourish in a range of climatic conditions and soil types with little watering. 

Moreover, hemp fibers are known for their capacity to take in and retain moisture, which can help reduce the overall quantity of water consumed during manufacture. This enables a range of processing techniques, including retting, a natural fermentation process, to separate the hemp fibers from the stalk. Retting can be done with dew or water, which reduces the amount of processing water required. 

The minimal water need of hemp fibers also has the benefit of having a lower environmental impact. Overusing water in agriculture can result in water shortages, soil erosion, and other environmental issues. Water is a precious resource. Customers may support a more environmentally conscious and long-lasting textile industry by choosing to use hemp fibers rather than cotton or other crops that require a lot of water to grow.

10. Low Environmental Impact

In comparison to other textile fibers, hemp fibers have a lower environmental effect, which is one of its main advantages. Hemp is a naturally quick-growing plant that needs little in the way of pesticides or fertilizers to thrive, making it a crop that is very sustainable. Additionally, hemp is often cultivated utilizing organic farming methods, minimizing the impact of production even further. 

Hemp fibers are biodegradable, thus at the end of their existence, they have less of an influence on the environment. Hemp fibers can dissolve organically and return to the ground, unlike synthetic fibers like polyester that can take hundreds of years to degrade. By doing this, the textile sector produces less waste and has a less negative influence on the environment. 

Hemp fibers have only a small negative impact on the environment, which makes them a very sustainable choice for consumers. Customers choosing hemp can help by encouraging a more sustainable fashion industry, encourage ecologically friendly agricultural methods, and lessen pollution and waste produced during the textile production process by purchasing hemp materials.

The Bottom Line

From the above, we can see that the power of hemp fabrics is undeniable. There are many benefits to using hemp fibers for your apparel and other textile needs, from their sustainability to their comfort and durability. Making the decision to use hemp is a sustainable and eco-friendly move that may benefit the earth by lowering your carbon footprint.


  1. https://blog.thehempshop.co.uk/10-good-reasons-to-choose-hemp-fabrics/ 

  2. https://nakedclothing.com/pages/hemp-clothing 

  3. https://blog.thehempshop.co.uk/5-reasons-why-hemp-is-a-true-miracle-plant/ 

  4. https://grayano.com/blogs/blog/top-10-benefits-of-using-hemp-fabrics-for-clothing-and-home-goods 

  5. https://www.hempclothingaustralia.com/why-wear-hemp 

  6. https://thehumane.co.in/blogs/the-humane-communique/ten-reasons-to-wear-hemp-this-summer 

  7. https://adkn.co.uk/pages/hemp-and-recycled-hemp 

  8. https://grayano.com/blogs/blog/top-10-benefits-of-using-hemp-fabrics-for-clothing-and-home-goods#:~:text=Hemp%20fiber%20is%20a%20versatile,the%20best%20hemp%20natural%20fibers

  9. https://www.textilejourney.com/post/eco-friendly-hemp-fibers 

  10. https://www.sei.org/publications/ecological-footprint-water-analysis-cotton-hemp-polyester/ 

  11. https://thinkofthepandas.com/2021/11/01/is-hemp-fabric-biodegradable-and-can-it-be-composted/ 

Monique Demes

Copywriter at CanMar

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