SEPTEMBER 18, 2023

Elevate Your Knowledge: Educational Resources on CanMar Hub

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At CanMar, we see education as an essential tool in the cannabis and psychedelics sector: for informed decision making, safe usage, and industry growth. With CanMar Hub’s Educational Resources feature, access to quality educational input is easier than ever. Our Educational Resources feature is a gateway to a wealth of information – including Level UP, our comprehensive budtender education program. Designed as a specialized e-learning program, Level UP is designated to elevate your skills and empower you with the latest industry insights.  

The Importance of Education in the Industry  

Education is vital if we ever want to shape perceptions and drive growth in the cannabis and psychedelics sector. With education on our side, we can make inroads on removing the stigma attached to the industry: by providing factual information. I’m a firm believer that facts and proof will do the heavy lifting by taking the place of fear and prejudice. Education emphasizing the medicinal potential of these substances encourages acceptability for use in medicine and research. And people armed with education are better equipped to use psychedelics and cannabis in a way that minimizes risk and misuse.  

Education also offers the chance for industry-specific skill improvement and career advancement. This is crucial for those looking for fulfilling professions, such as budtenders, in the industry. Business innovation is fueled by a talented workforce in the areas of product development, agriculture, and patient care. Furthermore, by ensuring that companies abide by changing legal and regulatory frameworks, education promotes a sustainable and compliant sector. 

Features of CanMar Hub's Educational Resources  

Are you looking to advance your knowledge in the realm of cannabis and psychedelics? Look no further. Whether you’re a seasoned budtender looking to expand your skill set, or an aspiring professional eager to enter the cannabis industry, Level UP is designed to elevate your skills and empower you with the latest industry insights. 

Level Up is an e-learning program written especially for Canadian budtenders who want to learn more about cannabis, the plant itself, how it works with our bodies, how it’s grown, how cannabis products are made, and all the different ways of consuming it. 

The Level UP program is divided into three courses:  

1. Cannabis 201  

This course takes budtenders beyond the basics of cannabis, covering the cannabis plant, the human body, and how the two work together.  

2. Customer-focused Sales Methodology   

Here budtenders acquire the sales and customer service skills necessary to succeed in a retail setting. They gain knowledge of the different types of cannabis users and the best ways to cater to each of them. Additionally, the customer-focused sales methodology teaches budtenders how to boost shop sales by properly recommending products to each customer.  

3. Licensed Producers, Cannabis Products and Cannabis Consumption  

Budtenders learn about Canadian licensed producers, how cannabis is grown, cannabis cultivation, product manufacturing, and various cannabis consumption methods. Budtenders also gain in-depth knowledge on reading and understanding labels, and how to best explain them to customers.   

Benefits of Using CanMar Hub's Educational Resources  

Let’s face it: everybody learns differently. With our self-paced comprehensive e-learning platform, each individual can make the best use of their time, in order to meet their own learning objectives. This approach gives everyone the freedom to choose when and where to learn, as well as the ability to determine the duration and intensity of their own learning sessions.

Unlike traditional classroom settings or structured online courses, CanMar’s Level UP program allows you to take control of your educational journey: we provide you with the autonomy and flexibility that best suits your lifestyle. This approach recognizes that different people have varying learning styles, preferences, and prior knowledge – which enables you to tailor your learning experiences to best suit your unique requirements. 

How to Access Educational Resources on CanMar Hub  

To access our education portal, simply download the CanMar Hub here: 




Click on the app’s “Education” tab, read more about what we have to offer, and make the (very wise) decision to purchase! 


CanMar Hub's commitment to education is not just about providing information; it's about fostering a community of informed individuals driving positive change in the cannabis and psychedelics industry. Stay tuned and watch this space… More educational courses are coming soon! 

Monique Demes

Copywriter at CanMar

TagsCanadian cannabisbudtenderCannabiscannabis and psychedelicscannabis appcannabis blogCannabis BusinesscannabiscanadaCannabis careerscannabiscommunitycannabis communityCannabis Culturecannabis globalCannabis Industrycannabishirecannabis in the workplaceCannabis JobsCHP industryFind Jobs in Cannabis IndustryGlobal CannabisPsychedelics IndustryPsychedelicssocial media

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