JULY 28, 2023

Exploring the Science of Psychedelics: How They Work on the Brain

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Today we’re going to embark on an enchanting adventure into the mind-bending world of psychedelics, those fascinating substances that have the power to completely alter how we see, think, and feel.

Get this – people have been exploring psychedelics for ages! Ancient cultures from all corners of the globe have been using them in spiritual and healing ceremonies for centuries. And you know what's even cooler? Some of these amazing chemicals come straight from Mother Nature herself! Magic mushrooms with their mind-expanding psilocybin and the peyote cactus with its mescaline – all-natural wonders, no fancy laboratories needed!

But here's the catch – psychedelics got slapped with the "illegal" label, which means they haven't received much love in the research department. So, there's still a lot we don't know about how they affect our bodies and minds.

But hey, no worries! We've got some legit academic stuff to back us up. Today, we're diving deep into the science of how these trippy substances dance with our brains and turn reality inside out!

The Serotonin Connection

Alright, let's get nerdy for a moment. At the core of the psychedelic experience is our brain's serotonin system. Serotonin is like the mood-boosting VIP in our brains. When we ingest psychedelics like psilocybin, LSD, and DMT, they bind to the serotonin receptors in our brain, especially the 5-HT2A ones. These receptors hang out in the cortex of the brain – where all of our high-level thinking, sensory stuff, and self-awareness go down.

When the psychedelic chemicals get friendly with the 5-HT2A receptors, it's like a neural firework show! The brain gets super active, and connections start happening all over the place! And guess what? This brings on a cascade of effects that totally change how we perceive reality. It's like our consciousness gets a VIP ticket to an alternate dimension! Trippy visuals, out-of-body experiences, and a sense of unity with the cosmos – it's all part of the mind-expanding package!

The Default Mode Network Disruption

But the fun doesn't stop there! One of the most extraordinary effects of psychedelics is their ability to disrupt our brain's Default Mode Network (DMN). The DMN is like the control center for our ego, self-referential thoughts, and sense of identity. Under normal circumstances, your DMN is highly active. When psychedelics crash this party, they're like "DMN, chill out!", and when the DMN takes a break, different brain regions start connecting and mingling. It's like a neural speed-dating event! The result is brain entropy – a fancy term for the complexity and randomness of neural activity in your brain.

All this brain chaos is what brings on those mind-bending altered states of consciousness. You know, like seeing sounds and hearing colors (synesthesia), and feeling like time is bending and twisting. It's like going on a cosmic rollercoaster of thoughts and sensations! During these psychedelic trips, we might even experience ego dissolution (aka ego death). That's when our sense of being a separate individual fades away, and we feel connected to everything and everyone – like we're part of a bigger picture. It's a profound experience of love and reconnection with the universe.

People often call this an "elevated state" of consciousness – like a mental VIP lounge! In this state, our emotions are turned up to eleven, and our creative juices flow. It's a powerful and transformative experience.

The Bottom Line

But hey, it's not all rainbows and unicorns. Psychedelics do also come with risks, so we need to handle them with care and respect. It's like having the keys to a powerful spaceship – we need to navigate responsibly!

So there you have it, fellow cosmic adventurers! Let's keep exploring the fascinating world of psychedelics and their effects on our brains. With responsible research and thoughtful use, these mind-bending substances might just unlock groundbreaking ways to treat mental health issues and expand our understanding of the human mind. Let's keep journeying on, fellow wanderers!


  1. Technology Networks. "A New Mechanism of Psychedelic Action in the Brain Has Been Discovered." Technology Networks. Accessed [July 28, 2023]. [https://www.technologynetworks.com/neuroscience/news/a-new-mechanism-of-psychedelic-action-in-the-brain-has-been-discovered-370308]

  2. Scientific American. "Do Psychedelics Expand Mind by Reducing Brain Activity?" Scientific American. Accessed [July 28, 2023]. [https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/do-psychedelics-expand-mind-reducing-brain-activity/]

  3. Synthesis Retreat. "Psilocybin and the Default Mode Network." Synthesis Retreat. Accessed [July 28, 2023]. [https://www.synthesisretreat.com/psilocybin-and-the-default-mode-network]

  4. MIND Foundation. "Entropy and the Language of Psychedelics." MIND Foundation. Accessed [July 29, 2023]. [https://mind-foundation.org/entropy/]

  5. Verywell Mind. "What Is Ego Death in Psychedelic Use?" Verywell Mind. Accessed [July 27, 2023]. [https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-ego-death-psychedelic-use-7089738]

Tagshistory of psychedelicsLSDKetamineMagic MushroomsMDMAmental healthMicrodosingPsilocybinPsychedelicsPsychedelics IndustryPsychedelics Study

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