AUGUST 23, 2023

'Shroom & Broccoli Hand Pies

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Welcome to an adventure that combines a medley of flavors, creativity and a pinch of whimsical charm. Join us as we dive into the captivating realm of "Shroom and Broccoli Hand Pies " a recipe inspired by the ideas presented in "The Psilocybin Cookbook" by K. Mandrake and Virginia Haze. This extraordinary cookbook dares us to explore gastronomy through a perspective inviting us to reimagine the ordinary with a twist.

In this recipe we will craft hand pies that artfully marry the richness of mushrooms, with the freshness of broccoli. The authors of "The Psilocybin Cookbook" encourage us to embrace our curiosity and unlock the magic within our kitchen. As we embark on this gustatory journey we will uncover the artistry behind transforming ingredients into a symphony of flavors that're not only pleasing to our taste buds but also visually enticing.

So whether you possess a palate seek recipes or simply yearn for an exploration, at the intersection of gastronomy and creativity these Shroom and Broccoli Hand Pies promise to be a sensory delight worth savoring.Get ready to get your hands dirty put on your chefs hat and join us as we explore the world of flavors and creativity.

Servings: 2

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Cooking time: Approximately 70 minutes


1 packet of puff pastry (make sure it's vegan if that's your preference)

1 onion, chopped

1.5 cups of button mushrooms chopped

Either 1 gram of powdered dried mushrooms or 10 grams of finely chopped fresh mushrooms

1 cup of chopped broccoli

2 cloves garlic, crushed

Half a teaspoon of cumin

1 teaspoon of garam masala

Half a cup of coconut milk

Olive oil


1. Preheat the oven to 350°F/175°C. While waiting for the oven to heat up heat an amount of oil in a pan. Sauté the onion and garlic until the onion turns golden brown.

2. Add in the mushrooms, broccoli, garam masala and coconut milk. Stir everything together until well combined.

3. Allow it to cook for 10 to15 minutes until some liquid evaporates and the vegetables become tender.

4. Remove from heat and mix in the shrooms.

5. Roll out one sheet of puff pastry. Cut it in half.

6. Place half of the filling, in the center of each pastry portion.

7. Moisten the edges of the pastry.

8: Fold the pastry over the filling and gently press together creating an edge, on each pie. If you want to add a touch of elegance use a fork to crimp the edges.

9: Make two holes in the top of each pie. Bake for about 20 30 minutes.

10: Serve and enjoy!

This recipe is sourced from “The Psilocybin Chef Cookbook” by Dr.K Mandrake & Virginia Haze.

Melissa Jane Sydie

Marketing Lead at CanMar

Tagscannabis and psychedelicsMagic MushroomsMicrodosingPsilocybinPsychedelicsPsychedelics IndustryPsychedelics Study

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