JUNE 2, 2023

The Role of Hemp in the Fight Against Climate Change

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Climate change is one of the most pressing global challenges of our time, requiring immediate and innovative solutions. As we strive to mitigate the effects of rising temperatures and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, exploring sustainable alternatives is crucial. One such alternative that has gained increasing attention is hemp. Often associated with its controversial cousin, cannabis, hemp offers remarkable potential as a versatile and eco-friendly resource. In this blog post, we will delve into the role of hemp in the fight against climate change and explore its various environmental benefits. 

So, What is Climate Change, Exactly? 

Global warming and climate change have become everyday words in contemporary public discourse. Neither is a natural phenomenon. Both are the results of human actions over a long stretch of time. Climate change refers to long-term shifts and alterations in global or regional climate patterns. It is primarily driven by human activities, particularly the emission of greenhouse gases (such as carbon dioxide) into the atmosphere. The increased concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is primarily from the burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil, and natural gas) for energy. However, clearing land and cutting down forests can also release carbon dioxide. These gases trap heat from the sun within the Earth's atmosphere, leading to a phenomenon known as the greenhouse effect. 

Carbon Sequestration 

One of the significant advantages of hemp in combating climate change is its exceptional ability to sequester carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere. Hemp is one of the fastest-growing plants in the world and can grow 4 metres high in 100 days. According to research, it can capture up to four times more CO2 than an equivalent area of forest. The CO2 is also permanently fixed in the hemp fibres, which can go on to be used for many commodities including textiles, medicines, insulation for buildings and concrete; BMW is even using it to replace plastics in various car parts. As CO2 is a primary greenhouse gas responsible for global warming, hemp's capacity to sequester carbon presents an opportunity to mitigate its adverse effects. 

Reduced Carbon Footprint 

Hemp cultivation requires considerably less resources in comparison to many conventional crops. Almost all varieties of hemp are naturally resistant to insect pests and predators. It is a hardy plant that requires minimal water, pesticides, and fertilizers. Furthermore, hemp grows densely, which limits weed growth and eliminates the need for herbicides. This environmentally friendly cultivation process significantly reduces the carbon footprint associated with traditional agriculture practices, making hemp an attractive option for sustainable farming. 

Soil Regeneration 

One of hemp's most remarkable environmental benefits lies in its ability to regenerate soil health. Hemp has deep roots that break up compacted soil and improve its structure, allowing for better water retention and nutrient absorption. Moreover, hemp cultivation does not deplete soil nutrients, unlike many other crops. Instead, it naturally absorbs carcinogenic heavy metals such as lead, mercury and cadmium from soils, which is suitable for crops used for food - but dangerous for people who ingest the plants. The revitalization of soil through hemp cultivation promotes biodiversity and restores ecosystems, creating a more resilient environment in the face of climate change. Furthermore, hemp fields provide habitats for beneficial insects, contributing to the overall ecological balance. 

Sustainable Alternatives to Traditional Products 

The versatility of hemp extends beyond its environmental impact during cultivation. Once grown, every part of the plant can be used. It offers sustainable alternatives to various everyday products, reducing our reliance on resource-intensive industries. Hemp fibers can be used in the production of textiles, replacing cotton and synthetic materials that contribute to water pollution and environmental degradation. Compared to cotton – that requires about 1,400 gallons of water for every pound of produce – hemp requires half that, or even less, and yet produces 200-250% more fiber on the same amount of land. Additionally, hemp seeds provide a highly nutritious and protein-rich food source, reducing the reliance on meat production that contributes to deforestation and greenhouse gas emissions.

Sustainable Resource for Construction 

Not only does the hemp plant offer so many benefits in terms of health and sustainable products, but it can also be used in the building industry. Hemp can be mixed with lime to create a concrete-like product known as hempcrete – seven times lighter than normal concrete and just as strong. When hempcrete is used in construction, it has the potential to lock away carbon for the long term, as the lime in the mixture reacts with carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and hardens over time. Hempcrete offers protection against, and is, fire- and mold-resistant. In addition to hempcrete, hemp can also be used to create a range of other sustainable building materials, such as insulation, roofing, and flooring. These materials have a lower carbon footprint than many traditional building materials, such as concrete and steel. 

Plugging Old Oil Wells 

Hemp has even been used to plug old oil wells. Still open to the air and releasing gases into the environment, these oil wells are contributing to climate change in a substantial way. Because hemp sequesters harmful gases from the atmosphere, hemp has been used to plug these wells and absorb the harmful gases. Possibilities such as this make hemp a viable option to aid in the fight against climate change in creative ways. 

Renewable Energy Source 

Hemp holds potential as a renewable energy source, particularly through the production of biofuels. Hemp seeds contain oil that can be converted into biodiesel, a cleaner-burning alternative to fossil fuel-based diesel. Hemp biomass can also be used to produce biomass pellets or as a feedstock for anaerobic digestion, generating biogas and heat. By diversifying our energy sources with hemp-based alternatives, we can decrease our dependence on fossil fuels and reduce carbon emissions. Furthermore, hemp's high cellulose content makes it a suitable candidate for the production of bio-based materials, such as bioplastics and bio-composites, which can replace petroleum-based plastics in various applications.

The Bottom Line 

The fight against climate change requires multifaceted solutions, and hemp offers a promising path towards a more sustainable future. From its carbon sequestration capabilities and reduced carbon footprint to its soil regenerative properties and versatile applications, hemp demonstrates significant potential as a valuable resource in the battle against climate change. Embracing hemp as part of our environmental strategy can help us mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, protect ecosystems, and foster a more sustainable and resilient planet for future generations. As we explore and harness the full potential of hemp, let us embrace its benefits and integrate it into our efforts to combat climate change. 

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