Hire Talent Now!

Our specialized Cannabis and Psychedelics Industry Hiring & Recruitment Partners work in specific vertical markets, enabling them to gain in-depth knowledge of individual technical areas and dedicate their time to finding the right professionals for you. We understand a lot more goes into finding the right role. That’s why our recruitment service also includes:

Initial planning & consultation

Needs assessment and job definition

Compensation Advice




Reference & Background Checking

Assistance in selection and hiring decisions

Package Negotiation

Orientation & on-boarding

Post-placement follow-up


Our retained search services match highly qualified candidates for senior and executive-level jobs.

Our Retained Search services feature

A customized recruitment strategy

A calendar that starts immediately upon authorization to proceed.

An extensive, narrative- written job profile.

A recruitment process & approach that includes advertising

A large pool of applicants who exceed the minimum qualifications

Comprehensive reference & background checks

Ongoing quality review of project deliverables


CanMar can save you the expense of bringing HR in-house by using our CanMar HR consulting services. Helping make sure your business is run in the most professional manner without the overhead.



Perform strategic review of the organization

Provide recommendations for best practices in Human Resources solutions


Review of policies and procedures, position descriptions, competencies, objective setting, onboarding, training and development, and performance management.

Establish internal documentation, including policies and procedures, and position descriptions.

Develop a tailored solution for your business that covers all bases and protects every member of the team.


Provide coaching, mediation, and both on-site and telephone support for all Human Resources matters.

Identify issues and find solutions with the help of an impartial third party. Collaborative HR services provide a neutral ground for mediation and discussion, ensuring objectives are met and that the outcome is to the satisfaction of all involved.

If you are interested in looking for the right individual from another employment market, our CanMar hiring team can introduce you to the best candidates that would consider relocating to join your team.


How Can I Benefit By Working With CanMar?

We understand how valuable your time is, and searching for talented staff is going to take up a ton of that valuable time. Why spend time looking for the perfect employee when we can do that for you? CanMar provides a cost-effective solution for your recruitment needs. Trust us to find your ideal candidate. We are experts in recruitment and will advertise your position, screen candidates, and conduct preliminary interviews. By hiring CanMar, you can stay focused on your business and let us do all the work. We’re here to help you find your dream team.

What Are The Areas In Which CanMar Specializes?
What Happens When Candidates Are Presented To Me By CanMar?